Looking after our Pa Metua
The Internal Affairs Ministry funds have received a boost and some of that will be going towards retirement pension for the elderly. There is also the national policy on aging which will look at helping the elderly population.
The government currently provides $250 a fortnight as welfare payments for those between 60 and 70 years old and $330 to those over 70.
Minister of Internal Affairs, Hon. Mac Mokoroa spoke about future projects the Ministry have ahead of them to ensure our 60 plus citizens are taken care of in their old age.
He said $6 million has been allocated for Social Welfare Payments and that has just been passed last Friday. There are over 1, 893 people on Old Age Welfare payment and most of them live on Rarotonga.
They are also looking at building a full time care facility for the Aged with assistance from the Cook Islands Superannuation Office. This is currently being drafted under the national policy for the elderly. The retirement age of 60 is something the government is also currently looking at to allow the capable to continue working beyond 60 years old said Mokoroa.
Secretary for Ministry of Internal Affairs Miss Anne Herman also added that there are is alot of work being done in the Ministry of Health to service the 60 plus citizens so they live longer and happier lives.
Minister Mokoroa said, The elderly can still be very much be part of the economy and help contribute towards nation building as well be part of many social development aspects, as respecting and looking after our elderly is part of who we are as Cook Islanders.
(photos courtesy Radio Cook Islands)